Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation (Lipofilling)

A promising breast augmentation option for small to medium volumes is the transferring of the body’s own fat tissue, so-called lipofilling. This method of injecting the body’s own fat to enlarge the breasts was used back in 1987, but it did not take on due to concerns that there were possible complications, namely the development of oil cysts, calcification and areas of dead tissue as well as the unpredictability of exactly how much fat tissue would survive long-term.

For many women, the thought of losing loathed cushions of fat to give them their desired breast augmentation is attractive. In recent years, the techniques in harvesting and transferring the fat tissue have been refined and improved to the extent that there is now ample experience and knowledge available on the reliability of the method in order for the above possible complications to be reduced to a bare minimum. However, in order for the fat cells to grow reliably, it is necessary to limit the fat volumes transferred per visit to the clinic, therefore, should there be a wish for large breasts then, given certain conditions, several visits will be necessary. Furthermore, the technique used for harvesting and “replanting” the fat cells plays a decisive role in the success of the augmentation– after all, one cannot simply throw handfuls of seeds into a hole in the ground at once and expect that every single one of them will sprout and grow.

A sensible combination is to use what is called a Brava Vacuum Expander Bra in conjunction with lipofilling. This is because the vacuum expansion of the tissue optimally prepares the breasts in readiness for the transferred fat cells. There is also improved blood circulation, so in the weeks following the operation, the cells are optimally protected, therefore reducing the probability of a further operative procedure. Once the fat cells have grown, it is certainly the most natural and most long-lasting option for patients and there is no capsular fibrosis threat as is the case in every silicone breast augmentation, which if it occurs, requires the implant to be replaced. Plus, aging, weight gain or weight loss, can all run smoothly and naturally, even in the breasts.

Another possible alternative to breast implants is to augment the breasts by injecting filler such as hyaluronic acid (MacrolaneTM). This filler is only temporary as the body breaks it down after approximately 9 months, so further treatment in the long-term is more costly than conventional silicone implants. We do not offer this treatment at our practice.

One must note that lipofilling cannot be used to correct heavily sagging breasts because it would require massive volumes of fat transfer, which would only cause the breasts to quickly sag again: not to mention the load it would put on the spine. If the breast skin-envelope is too large, it must be surgically corrected through lifting or reduction.