
Gynacomastia is the term used to describe a feminine appearance of the male breast due to a mostly benign enlargement of the male breast glands. It affects approximately half of all men to varying degrees. In most cases both sides are affected but in rarer cases it is only one.

The exact cause is often unclear, however, some causes may be from the side effects of certain medications, or from liver diseases or from hormones secreted by tumours. So, for example, it may be sensible to prophylactically remove the breasts in a patient with prostate cancer to prevent breast growth caused by hormone therapy. In rarer cases, there may be a malignant tumour in the breast itself. It is especially the case in younger men that there is a temporary and inexplicable cause for disease.

Gynecomastia differs from what is called pseudogynecomastia or lipomastia, which are terms to describe breast enlargement caused by fat deposits, so it is not possible to detect a build-up of breast tissue through touch.

After assessing and examining the tissue in men who are troubled by the appearance of their breasts, it may be necessary to turn to surgical methods to remove unwanted tissue. Surplus volumes of tissue are removed through a small arc-shaped incision made around the edge of the nipples. This tissue is then analysed. As well as this – should it be necessary – fat removal (liposuction) will be carried out. In patients with extremely large breasts it is also necessary to remove surplus skin similar to a breast reduction in women. The skin is sutured in such a way as to minimize scarring. After surgery, a compression bandage is applied. After liposuction or removal of large volumes of tissue it is recommendable to wear compression garments for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery in order to achieve aesthetically pleasing results. This garment could, however, also be in the form of a tight-fitting, half-sleeved sports shirt.

We will be only too happy to personally advise you of the best solution for you as an individual.